Bridge: May 13, 2021

A “Best Bridge Writer” poll named the late Terence Reese — a judgment I could support. Besides classic books, Reese wrote tons of newspaper columns. He knew that a columnist’s job is to entertain as well as instruct but once said, wearily, he wished that for once he could just lead a column with “South played at 3NT.”

I’ll do that in Reese’s honor. South played at 3NT. He won the first spade with dummy’s ace and saw that he didn’t want East in for a spade return. So instead of finessing in clubs, South took the ace, then led a second club.


East won, but when West pitched a spade, East shifted accurately to the jack of hearts: queen, king. South won the heart return, but since West had the king of diamonds, South could take only eight tricks.

South played at 3NT — not well. To take the ace of clubs was fine, but South should next lead a diamond to his ten. When West wins, any return gives South a trick, and he can force out the king of clubs for at least nine tricks in all.


You hold: S A 6 4 H 7 5 D 7 5 3 C A J 10 9 2. Your partner opens one heart, you respond 1NT, he bids two diamonds and you return to two hearts. Partner next bids three clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your hand has suddenly become quite potent. Your partner has extra strength since he tried for game despite your weak two-heart preference. Bid five clubs or three spades. If he holds None, A K 9 4 2, A Q 8 2, K 8 5 3, he should take at least 11 tricks at clubs.

South dealer

Both sides vulnerable


S A 6 4

H 7 5

D 7 5 3

C A J 10 9 2


S Q J 9 8 7

H K 8 4 2

D K J 4

C 4


S 5 2

H J 10 9 6 3

D 9 8 6 2

C K 6


S K 10 3


D A Q 10

C Q 8 7 5 3

South West North East

1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass

Opening lead — S Q

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